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  • Writer's pictureChristian Greear

The start of something fun

SO...I've started working on something and I hope that it will lead to many future games, videos, friendships and future projects. I have begun writing a TTRPG of my own with mechanics that work for what I want to do specifically and its all about kaiju and giant monsters. It will be a fun journey and I do hope that I can get some feedback of ideas that you guys want to see in it. Also if you know of anyone that knows how to draw I could use that in the future.

I was always trying to use DnD 5e rules and tweaking them to make my one shot ideas work and it was so much of a pain because it just doesnt work with what I was trying to do. The game style was just too different. I finally came to the conclusion that I should just go ahead and make my own game altogether and make it how I want it to be. Sure some games have near godlike warriors facing off against a large creature the size of a house. But what if the creature was a literal force of walking nature that didnt care that you were in its way, along with that building you and several innocent people were inside at the moment. I have a system of thrills, panic and survival as well as some exploration. I have original kaiju, tribute kaiju and many cool monsters that I originate from the idea of "what if this happened?". My goal is to make something fun and enjoyable that can be good for one shot adventures as well as longer campaigns and I look forward to hearing from you as I update on the progress.

I do have some of the rules finished and several monsters entered in as well. I am currently working on worldbuilding and how to make it a fun and interesting place to play in without getting too rules heavy.

You can always email me directly at

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